
销售合同中英文样板范文 在国际贸易中,销售合同是一项至关重要的文件,它明确了买卖双方的权利和义务,有助于减少风险并确保交易顺利进行。以下是一份关于销售合同中英文样板的范文,供参考: **销售合同** **Contract of Sale** **合同编号:** [编号] **Contract No.:** [Number] **甲方(卖方):** [甲方名称] **Party A (Seller):** [Name of Party A] **乙方(买方):** [乙方名称] **Party B (Buyer):** [Name of Party B] **一、货物描述** **1. Description of Goods** 1.1 甲方同意向乙方出售以下货物:[具体货物描述] 1.1 Party A agrees to sell to Party B the following goods: [Specific description of goods] 1.2 货物的数量:[数量],规格:[规格],品牌:[品牌],产地:[产地] 1.2 Quantity: [Quantity], Specifications: [Specifications], Brand: [Brand], Country of Origin: [Country] 1.3 货物应符合以下标准:[标准要求] 1.3 The goods shall conform to the following standards: [Standard requirements] **二、价格和支付条件** **2. Price and Payment Terms** 2.1 乙方同意以以下价格购买货物:[价格] 2.1 Party B agrees to purchase the goods at the following price: [Price] 2.2 付款方式:[付款方式],付款期限:[付款期限] 2.2 Payment Method: [Payment Method], Payment Deadline: [Payment Deadline] 2.3 若乙方未能按时支付货款,甲方有权收取延迟支付费用。 2.3 If Party B fails to pay the purchase price on time, Party A shall be entitled to charge a late payment fee. **三、交付条件** **3. Delivery Terms** 3.1 交货地点:[交货地点] 3.1 Place of Delivery: [Place of Delivery] 3.2 交货时间:[交货时间] 3.2 Delivery Time: [Delivery Time] 3.3 货物的风险将在交付后转移给乙方。 3.3 The risk of the goods shall pass to Party B upon delivery. **四、验货和接受** **4. Inspection and Acceptance** 4.1 乙方有权在收到货物后[天数]内进行验货。 4.1 Party B shall have the right to inspect the goods within [number of days] after receipt. 4.2 如发现货物存在质量问题,乙方应立即通知甲方,并提供相关证据。 4.2 If any quality issues are found with the goods, Party B shall notify Party A immediately and provide relevant evidence. **五、所有权保留** **5. Reservation of Ownership** 5.1 货物的所有权将在全部货款支付完毕后转移给乙方。 5.1 Ownership of the goods shall pass to Party B upon full payment of the purchase price. **六、违约责任** **6. Breach of Contract** 6.1 若任何一方违反本合同规定,应承担相应的违约责任。 6.1 If either party breaches the terms of this contract, they shall be liable for the corresponding breach of contract. **七、争议解决** **7. Dispute Resolution** 7.1 本合同适用[法律管辖地]的法律。 7.1 This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. 7.2 任何因本合同引起的争议应通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交[仲裁机构]仲裁。 7.2 Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation, failing which, they shall be submitted to arbitration by [Arbitration Institution]. **八、生效** **8. Effectiveness** 8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。 8.1 This contract shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both parties. **甲方(卖方):** **乙方(买方):** **Party A (Seller):** **Party B (Buyer):** **签字:**___________ **签字:**___________ **Signature:** **Signature:** **日期:**________________ **日期:**________________ **Date:** **Date:** 以上是一份销售合同中英文样板范文,供您参考。希望能对您有所帮助!