共 11 条近义词
贪小失大贪求小利而失却大利。英convet a little and lose a lot; seek small gains but incur big losses;[查看详情]
劳民伤财原指国家大事处理不当因而大量浪费人力物力。现在常指做了多余的事造成浪费。例没有计划好就开工造成返工,劳民伤财,该谁负责?英harass the people and drain the treasury; waste money and manpower; make people work hard and waste money for nothing;[查看详情]
本末倒置本:树根。末:树梢。置:放。比喻把主要的和次要的、根本的和非根本的关系弄颠倒了。例然非知治之审则亦未尝不本末倒置。——金无名氏《绥德州新学记》英put the cart before the horse;[查看详情]
舍近求远形容做事走弯路或追求不切实际的东西。也说“舍近谋远”例这种东西本地就出产无需舍近求远到外地去订购。英seek far and wide for what lies close at hand; be careless for the present and scheme for the future;[查看详情]
南辕北辙与事实相反背道而驰。例使南辕北辙,无苦征途。——《福惠全书》英try to go south by driving the chariot north-act in a way that defeats one's purpose;截然相反。英poles apart,poles asunder;[查看详情]
事倍功半指费力多而收获少。英get half the result with twice the effort;[查看详情]
买椟还珠买珠只取包装的盒子而退还珠子。比喻没有眼光取舍失当。英show lack of judgement as one who buys the glittering casket and return the pearls to the seller;[查看详情]