
共 4 条词语

  • 明辨是非

    míng biàn shì fēi

    明辨是非明确地分辨是与非。形容判断力强。英make a clear distinction between right and wrong;[查看详情]

  • 正本清源

    zhèng běn qīng yuán

    正本清源从根本上加以整顿清理。表示从根本上彻底解决问题。英clear up the spring or source of moral character; radically reform by striking at the root of the evil;[查看详情]

  • 泾渭分明

    jīng wèi fēn míng

    泾渭分明泾、渭二水一清一浊,虽合流汇聚却清浊分明。比喻是非明了境界清楚。英as different as the waters of the Jinghe and the Weihe;[查看详情]

  • 是非曲直

    shì fēi qū zhí

    是非曲直正确与错误有理与无理。英right and wrong; merits and demerits;[查看详情]