共 10 条词语
家贫如洗家中非常贫穷如被水冲洗过一样什么也没有。英be in extreme poverty; as poor as a church mouse; as poor as job;[查看详情]
民不聊生形容人民不能安定生活。例公私劳扰民不聊生。——苏轼《上神宗皇帝书》话中单说建州饥荒斗米千钱,民不聊生。——《京本通俗小说》英the people have no means of livelihood; It is hard for the people to survive; life for the people is intolerable; the peopl[查看详情]
啼饥号寒因饥寒交迫而啼哭。英cry from hunger and cold; cry in hunger and cold;形容饥寒交迫、生活极端困苦。英live in hunger and cold; be poverty-stricken;[查看详情]
家破人亡家庭破落衰败家人亡故离散。形容家庭遭到劫难或横祸。英family ruined; be destitute and homeless; be ruined and dead; with one's family broken up and decimated; with the family extinguished and its members perished;[查看详情]
家徒四壁家中极端贫困空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立。英utterly destitute; be empty of all furniture; be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing; with nothing is one's house but bare walls;[查看详情]
两手空空在分配某物时一无所得。英hold the bag;意谓手头一点钱也没有。英empty-handed; nothing;[查看详情]
嗷嗷待哺嗷嗷:哀号声;待:等待;哺:哺育喂养。原意指小鸟饥饿时叫着要东西吃的样子。后常用以形容饥民渴求得食而急待解救的悲惨情景。例可奈满城无粮嗷嗷待哺。——蔡东藩《唐史演义》英cry piteously for food; waiting to be fed with cries of hunger;[查看详情]